Developers, Do Not Get Promoted

Pen Magnet
4 min readOct 29, 2019
Photo by Clique Images on Unsplash

During my first performance appraisal meeting (sometimes 18 years ago), I was asked by my manager: What are your next year’s goals?

Almost scratching my head, I asked for specifics. To which, he offered: “Would you like more responsibility, or would you like some more pieces of training this year…Like the one in COM/DCOM (Microsoft’s equivalent of React in those days) ?”

To me, there wasn’t a choice. After all, why would one prefer responsibility against training? I expressed my choice. With a frown, he acknowledged. I came out of the chamber.

When I asked my colleagues why he may have frowned, they laughed at my naivety.

“Who wants a sitting duck who wants to learn and not deliver?” They said. “You are getting a duck in this year’s pay-raise”

I defended my choice by weighing in the pay-range we were eligible for vs the benefits of learning a hot technology. Online learning wasn’t a thing in those days. In fact, Google was in the cradle.

I lost every argument, because in IT world, any rise upward, even if it was 1%, was more beneficial than being an expert. Learning could bring me to places, yes, but my current pay would always be the benchmark of my next one.



Pen Magnet

Author of Comprehensive Approach to Senior Developer Interview), Startup writer, Programmer, Tech Career Blogger, Education Engagement Enthusiast